Google, one of the largest and most influential tech companies on the planet, decided to enter the virtual reality space with a smartphone shell made of cardboard. True story! It gave away a kit to Google I/O attendees last summer, and then posted the plans online so anyone with an empty pizza box or stray shipping carton could hack together a lo-fi VR device with a handful of cheap parts.
Cardboard might sound silly, but it has caught on in a serious way: the plans have been downloaded more than 500,000 times, there are dozens upon dozens of compatible apps, and now LG and Mattel are creating plastic versions. You can even buy a standard cardboard viewer from third-party companies if you don’t want to make one yourself.
Whether you plan to build or buy, it’s easy to get started with this entry-level, ultra-affordable VR experience.
Read the full PCWorld article here : http://www.pcworld.com/article/2885333/how-to-get-started-with-cardboard-googles-diy-virtual-reality-headset.html